Tuesday, June 09, 2009

8 things about me

My blogger friend Paige (Happiness Is) happened to tag me on this, so I thought I would jot something down. Yes, I really am supposed to be working right now, but I need a little diversion...

8 Things I Look Forward To:
* Our trip to Cancun in August!!
* Being able to read all of the magazines piling up in my office someday
* Our next camping trip
* Spending a whole weekend hanging around my pool and having a cookout
* Getting a tan
* The morning my kids will get ready for school on time, with no tears or drama!
* Spending the rest of my life with my wonderful husband
* Any night that I don't have anything to do!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
* Worked out at the gym
* Went grocery shopping
* Cleaned the bathrooms
* Vacuumed only part of the floors (didn't have time!)
* Went to the library with the kids
* Spent about a half hour on the computer
* Worked on another 365 scrapbook page
* Read lots of books with the kids
(can you tell it was my day off?!)

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
* Be independently wealthy
* Stop cleaning my house
* Keep up with a monthly meal menu
* Keep my focus on one project at a time (haha!)
* Sit down and work on those random scrapbook page ideas that pop into my head
* Run a marathon like my hubby
* Deal with whining better (sorry Zack, I'm always trying to work on this one)
* Get more sleep

8 Shows I Watch:
* Survivor
* The Apprentice
* Jon & Kate plus 8
* House Hunters
* The Soup
* What not to wear
* Any home makeover show that is on
* Pretty much any reality show

So now I challenge my dear friend Jennifer (Our Corner of the World) to give me some insight into her life.... :)