Saturday, September 03, 2011

Running update

Today we ran the Boy Scouts Half Marathon race in Bowling Green.  I knew Alan was going to be running it, and I saw it was a smaller race, so I thought I might have a chance of scoring a 3rd place medal, so I decided to sign up too.  Sometimes I have those crazy ideas *after* my good runs :)

The weather was starting to cool down so it seemed like the perfect time to run a race.  Much to our surprise, the weather kicked back up in the 90's right before the race, and on race day the forcasted high was 94 degrees!  Well, no problem, just try to run it easy and not hurt ourselves was the plan.
Since it was so hot Alan ran with no shirt and I just had a sports bra on.  That was a nice change because quite frankly, I would run in my sports bra everyday if I could - I hate to have the feeling that I am overdressed or getting hot because of my running gear.

Once the race got started Alan was no where in sight of me, so I just kept running the best I could.  I ran it at a comfortable pace, but knew I wasn't going to beat my PR (1:55) because I saw the little pacer dude on my watch run right off my screen ahead of me.  oh well.  I did stop at almost every water stop though, walking through them all (it was a nice break from the heat!).  By the time I had got to the end, I was running around the track and saw the finish line.  As I squinted I could see that the clock still had a 1 in front of it! (1 hour time)  I was in disbelief.  I really need to learn how to read my watch better because I was soooooo close to coming in under 2 hours on this race!  So I ran the best I could, but the clock flipped and I finished in 2:00:22.  darn!  Next time I will do better reading my watch :)

Alan also got a surprise at the finish line - he was also "taking it easy" and when he crossed the line at 1:34, he had gotten 1st place in his age class!  Not so shabby!!  It was a good race.

As we were lounging around before picking up the kids from Grandma & Grandpa's house I got a call from Sydney's BFF Morgan and they invited both Sydney and Zachary over for a sleepover!  That was great news.  I knew they would be a bit tired from being at Grandma & Grandpa's, but I didn't want to pass up the opportunity so I sent them over there for the night.  That allowed Alan and I to go to see the movie Appollo 18 (good!) and then over to Granite City for a brew.  The perfect way to end a super day!