Sunday, September 18, 2011

Camping at Pokagon

It's definately fall around here again, and that means weekend camping trips!  Now that we don't have soccer interrupting our weekends, I'm hoping we'll take a few more trips.  For this trip we went to Pokagon state park in Indiana.  We camped in our favorite campsite... the one with the big rock!

 The kids also love the nature center at the park.  We went on our first nature walk with a guide.  We learned a lot - most especially how to correctly identify posion ivy!  We got a new saying "hairy scary".  good to know :)
 Zachary made a milestone lately - he can now conquer the monkey bars!!  That is very exciting (but also sad because he's not so much a little boy nowadays).  He did a great job, made it to one side and back again.
 We also went on a hayride around the campground.
 We all had fun - until the driver scolded everyone for causing straw to fall out of the wagon.  Geez, what a crank!
 Even though Sydney was really hoping to find many caterpillars, we only found one wooly bear.  We brought it home, but it's not looking so good.  We did find a little frog that was really cute too.  Thank god the kids let him go.
 The kids stayed up really late riding their bikes around.  Well, at least 9pm seemed pretty late since it was so dark out (and chilly!).
 Nighttime is also time for s'mores.  Yum yum yum!  My favorite :)  The kids even had theirs the "right" way this time, with toasted marshmallows.  They liked them, but they still like eating all of the parts separate.

The kids did stay up until 10:30 both nights, so that was late for them.  But with the heater cranked in the camper, we all sleep in pretty late, so I don't mind too much.
 Sunday morning we went down to the beach.  We were surprised to see 4 beautiful swans swimming in the lake.  When we first saw them we thought they were fake!
 The beach was empty - but still a fun place to explore.

 They begged Daddy for a super push on the swings.  Hang on tight kids!!

 This is a pretty cool picture because Sydney took it.  I don't know if she purposely tried to get me off center or not, but I think so.  I think some of my random mumblings about shooting pictures has rubbed off on her!!
 A beautiful day at the Inn as well.  Some day we will stay at the Inn for the weekend, to see how the "other half" lives :)