Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow day - Side Cut Park

Today the kids and Alan were lucky enough to have a snow day.  Yep, they actually closed the University!  Lucky them!  Unfortuately for me it was only a level 2 emergency so I had to still go to work.  Since I didn't have to get the kids ready and take them anywhere I actually got to work almost an hour early than I normally do!  Mostly because I was going to leave early so I could come home and enjoy the snow with the family.  When I got home, we took a trip over to Side Cut metropark to go on the sledding hill.  The hill was pretty busy and we noticed immediately that someone had built some small jumps at the end of the hill.  Sounds fun, right?  Well it sure did for Zachary and he kept trying to go down and hit one of them. Sure enough he finallhy did.  When he launched off that jump, well, it didn't end well.  He landed face first.  Then he started bawling.  Poor kid!!  I thought for sure he had hurt his mouth, but what was actually giving him pain was his arm.  Seems he twisted it in some odd direction and it really hurt.  I thought at first he may have broken it, but he didn't and after sitting it out for awhile he as feeling up to one more "boring" run down the hill and a walk in the woods.

We had some fun playing in the woods. 

Watch out Alan, I sense a sneak attack!!!