Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Toledo Zoo Dart Frog Dash

The Toledo Zoo had it's annual Dart Frog Dash 5K on May 18th (yep, the day before the Cleveland marathon).  Since Alan and I were both running Cleveland the next day, we decided to just run with the kids.  This is the first time they have run the 5K for this event.  I figured it was time for them to kick it up a notch from the 1K kids run.
Hmmm, not sure why my kids are so squished in this picture... but let's just go with it. Me and Blogger have not been best of friends lately with pictures!!
Is it time to run yet??  They were both overly concerned about an airgun going off at the start, but much to all of our surprise, there was no gun!  (yahoo!)
 Sydney and Alan ran together.  Note the shades of green.  Team yellow consisted of Zachary and myself.
These pictures are so cute of them running together because they are in sync!!
 Here is my racing buddy.  He did such a great job!  He never once complained about it or stopped running.  He did ask how far we had gone, but only to judge how much longer we had.  I was very impressed!  Based on his previous runs we had expected him to finish in under 45 minutes and Sydney under 30 minutes.
Here is a "hilly" area of the course.  I know, it hardly looks like there is a hill up ahead, but there is! 
 We got to see some street art too!
 This year they are working on the aquarium so they had to reroute the course through the Tembo Trail.  That was scenic, although the elephants weren't out.  It did create a really sharp turn though!
 As we were doubling-back in a part of the course we saw Sydney and Alan behind us!  I was later told that she was not the happiest runner that day.  Just saying....
 That really lit a fire under Sydney and she picked up the pace!!
Finish times were:   Zachary 30:35, 5th out of 21 in his age group.  Sydney 32:34, 5th out of 10 in her age group.  Great run everyone!!! 
Zack went straight to a soccer game after this race and he scored his first goal of the season!  He was really having a great day.  :)