Saturday, April 13, 2013

Boston Marathon 2013

Well Happy New Year!  I can say that, even though it is April because it has been that long since I last posted.  Tsk tsk tsk!
Anyhoo, here is the story of our trip to Boston for the Boston Marathon.  We hit the road bright and early Saturday morning around 3:45am.  Our trip took 13 hours and for the most part it was uneventful.  We switched off driving every 3 hours, so that wasn't even too bad.  I'm not sure the kids even cared about the trip because they watched movies, read books, and played way too many hours of video games.
Our first stop in town was the American Girl store and the Lego store.  Both kids have been saving up their money and spent it well.

Sydney picked out the doll of the year, Saige.  She is cute! 
This sign made me laugh!  Love that facial the doll is getting :)
Over at the Lego store Zachary picked out this humongous Star Wars set.  $140.  whew!!  He wanted to buy an iPod Touch, but was quickly won over by this beauty.
After shopping and a stop at the hotel we went to dinner at Polcari's for some yummy Italian carb loading. 
After dinner we drove downtown to meet our virtual friends from Runner's World. 

We actually found a parking spot downtown for $10, so that wasn't too bad.  It was fun to meet all of the people I have been reading about and chatting with.  The kids were troopers and spent the whole night playing games on the iPhones :)  We headed home around 9:45 and were exhausted when we hit the beds.  What a long day!!