Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Last camping trip of the year - Hocking Hills

Even though it was a chilly weekend, we decided to take one last camping trip to Hocking Hills Ohio.  It seemed like we haven't been on many camping trips this year.  I'm guessing because it was so hot this past summer.  The kids had school off, so we made it an extra long weekend taking both Friday and Monday off.  We drove down on Friday and made it down there early enough to go exploring in Old Mans Cave.

 After hiking for a while we checked out the wildlife in the nature center.  This possum was not impressed with Alan's attack!
 Sydney didn't quite scare the little dude either :)
Here is our campsite (#61).  I was surprised that they did not have any sort of burning restrictions in effect since there were so many leaves on the ground.  We really liked this site because past the fire ring was the woods and the kids loved running around down there.
 On Saturday we went to Cantwell Cliffs.
Next stop was Rock House.  That cave is so cool.  Just a beautiful display of nature! 

 Our hiking excursions involved lots of walking up and down stairs.
Ash Cave was simply stunning.  Very secluded and serene.
Well, it was serene until the people in period costumes gave us a demonstration of their cannon!  The kids wanted nothing to do with that and ran up the hill to hide until it went off.
 It took 2 tries, but finally it exploded. Wow, it was loud!!
The kids found many uses for their walking sticks.
The camper was chilly at night, but certainly not bad.  We have 3 heaters in it, so it was quite toasty with those things cranked all night.
On Sunday we went back to Old Mans Cave to explore some more.  We wore our boots, hats, and gloves for our morning excursion.
The kids really enjoyed this trip.  So did we!