Sunday, April 15, 2012

Boston - Sunday

Sunday was our day to visit the Boston Marathon Expo and pick up Alan's race bag.  It was a beautiful day to be out and about in the big city!
Here is Alan getting his bib.  It was exciting for me also because I got to pick up my friend's bib, and everyone thought *I* was running since I also had a bag.   That made me feel pretty important!  The worker even said "Good luck!" when I got the bag :)

 We all posed in the car that would be starting the race.  Pretty nice car!
 The kids and I tried out every PowerBar and sports drink in sight.  The kids had so many samples in them they could possibly run a marathon themselves with all of that caffeine.

One of the booths had a "wheel of fortune" and Sydney won a box of rice!!  It was so cute, the kids really thought we were going to have it for dinner at the hotel :)  The rest of us won chip clips.

After the expo, we headed over to the Natick mall.  The destination was the American Girl shop.  Sydney has been saving her money, and now she was glad she had - she bought two things which was $60!  She was so excited about her purchase.  And I was proud she saved her money for something she really wanted.

Now Zachary on the other hand, the spender in the house... he is broke and couldn't buy anything at the Lego store.  Too bad he just spent his Easter money on Beyblades!

After another long day of wandering all over, we had a yummy italian dinner at the restaurant right down the road from our hotel.

Oh, and bad news - Zachary's stuff animal (baby penguin) was missing after the room service came through.  We are guessing he got wrapped up in the sheets of the bed, but the hotel never did find him in their laundry.  Looks like we'll be replacing him next time we go to the Zoo!