Sunday, June 12, 2011

1st camping trip of 2011

We started the 2011 camping season with a trip to Maumee Bay State Park.  It was supposed to be a rainy weekend, but it turned out pretty nice.  It was a bit cooler, but that is perfect for camping.  We stayed at site 142, our usual spot.

Soon after setting up our camping site we had a visitor.  Apparently this deer was not too afraid of humans.  But when Sydney tried to pet him, he did run pretty fast :)
 We made a campfire on Friday night, and was going to watch a movie on our laptop, but it did start sprinkling just a little, so we went inside and had Jiffy Pop and watched the movie indoors instead.
 The next day we took a ride around the campground, over to the beach, hotel, and nature center.  Zack is so speedy fast now without those training wheels.
 Sydney really likes her new bike too.  She is still getting the hang of the hand brakes (she crashed into me to stop!) but for the most part she can get along really good on it.

 We were greeted by this family of turtles sunning themselves at the nature center.

I'm sure there is no correlation to the humungo Pixie Sticks and our children's somewhat questionable behavior.  ha! 
 To keep our sanity, we took the kids over to the beach in the afternoon and got them all day ride passes for the waterslide.  They had a blast!

 It was reported that they each went down the slide at least 45 times! 

 We were happy not to hear them arguing with each other!! :)  :)
 Later that night we headed over to the ice cream social put on by the campground helpers.  As always, it was delicious!
 Late at night, Sydney and Daddy went to see some fireworks being fired off at the beach area.  We also went to a car show that night in the same area.  It was a long, fun weekend!
 On Sunday we took advantage of the free games in the campground.  We started with a fast paced game of cornhole. 
 Then we tried out the ladder game.  It was a bit more challenging, but it was a good time.
Can't wait to go camping again!!