Sunday, February 06, 2011

Ski trip to Boyne

We decided to make a short ski trip up to Boyne this weekend.  We drove up Friday night.  Since we got there late we didn't even get a chance to go out to dinner - but that was OK, because we have 2 days of skiing ahead of us!

At Nubs Nob Zachary immediately started asking about going on double black diamond runs.  Well, we need to set some limits, so we let him only go on single black diamonds!  :)   This one had moguls and a steep side.  He did manage to go down the moguls with Alan the first time without falling.  He wanted to show me how well he did, so I went with him.

Unfortunately when Zachary skied down the black diamond run with me, he kept falling, which made him frustrated.  It ended in tears and repeatedly telling me that it was my fault he was falling!  Not sure how he came up with that, but that was the end of black diamond runs for the day.

Zachary plans his next run.

Sydney snuggles with daddy by the fireplace when we stopped to get hot chocolate and warm up.

Sydney's boots broke on our last trip, but she loved the boots.  So we decided some duct tape would do just fine keeping them snug and on her leg.  Luckily, that did the trick and she didn't complain once.  However, the red pieces on the floor were a telltale sign of what was to come with Zachary's boots.

The bottom plates were definately falling apart rapidly.  At first it was just the heel plates - but by the end of the day the front plates were starting to fall apart too!!

We all had fun skiing at Boyne Mountain. 

The kids couldn't even wait for us to hit the slopes.

The last part of our day at Boyne Mountain was spend on the terrain parks.  Zack had no fear as he went over the box.  He even convinced all of us to try it out too.  We all got a good laugh as we all went across it fine, but Alan fell!  Alan did try it a second time and did just fine :)

For our last run the kids wanted to go check out the largest terrain park - the half pipe!  It was huge when we got in it.  I'm sure Zachary will be a master of all of the terrain  features soon.