Friday, December 17, 2010

Kindergarten Christmas Program

There was excitement in the air as the kids got ready to put on the kindergarten Christmas program.  The performance was at the church right down the road from school.  Zachary had been practicing every day for the last week in the car on the way to school.

The kids really knew the words to most of the songs and there was not a shy performer in the house!  They belted out every song with enthusiasm. 

All of the kids looked so cute, and they were well behaved - following all of the moves Miss Katie had carefully choreographed to each tune.  The best song award went to "Rocking around the Christmas Tree" for sure.  The kids were wearing glasses, playing air-guitars and air-drums and snapping along to the song.  Zachary had to learn how to snap his fingers so that was a big accomplishment for him.