Sunday, October 17, 2010

Columbus Marathon 2010

Here we are all bright eyed and bushy tailed... well maybe bright eyed anyways. It's the start of the Columbus Marathon and we just parked the car at 7:10am. The race will be starting and we're all set to go.

The morning did not start out as we planned. We figured since we did not have the kids with us (thanks Grandma & Grandpa!) we would be right on schedule, having a relaxing morning. I think it started out well (5:45am), but what we did not plan for was the backed up traffic on the expressway! The expressway was pretty dead as expected, but when we got to our exit, the cars were backed up for miles trying to exit. And they weren't moving! This made us VERY nervous, because if we were stopped here, I figured the parking garage (which we prepaid our parking for..) would be super busy as well. So we ditched that idea and went for Plan B, which was getting off at the next exit and finding different parking arrangements. That turned out to be a great idea and we were able to get into the city pretty easily and parked in our normal parking lot. This time we even paid - so we didn't get a big parking fine like last year!! :)

We are looking snazzy. The temperature is about 50 degrees, and should be perfect for running.

Stylish cap on me!! (not)

A new plan at the race this year was to have corrals at the starting gate, so the runners would be staggered based on their speed. Sounds great! ... except there was not enough room for all of the runners in corral 2 (mine) and I ended up waiting on the sidewalk right next to the corrals until the race started! Fortunately those people were merged into the corral when the race started and we didn't have to wait for all of the corrals to exit first.
It did end up being a beautiful race day, perfect weather. There were tons of bands providing entertainment on the course and I can't even remember a spot along the course when there weren't any spectators cheering us on (oh, the pressure - can't stop now, they're watching me!!).
I ran a good pace - when I got down the last 5 minutes I could see the turn for the finish line in sight... my super goal was 1:55, and I was not sure if I could make it. I was getting so close! Luckily, right about the time when my watch hit 1:55:01 I was heading for the finish line - and it's all downhill! I started the sprint of my life, my little legs going as fast as they could, and I crossed the finish line in 1:55:49. WHEW!! That made me very happy :)

I got to take a picture of Alan right before mile 26. Even though he is in pain, he is looking pretty good. But here's the thing... I give Alan these awesome action shots...

... and these are the pictures he takes of me! Come on, I'm hoping I'm not ALWAYS looking that bad! That was from the Toledo Race for the Cure a few weeks ago. Good thing I didn't have to pay for that race photo!! ;)

Alan finished @ 3:19 on his full marathon. Woohoo!! He was in a bit of pain, as he was running on an injured foot - so I helped him limp to the car for a rest. We're both ready to take a break from running... for a little while.