Monday, September 27, 2010

My day of cooking insanity!

I'm not sure what got into me - maybe it was the change of seasons. Felt like I needed to make some freezer food so I could have more time to relax after work and not cook. Maybe I was just hungry! who knows... but it started out with picking a whole bunch of recipes, and going crazy shopping for enough food to feed an army.... My fridge was so packed there was absolutely no space for anything else at all!
I started out by baking some yummy oatmeal bars. Or so I thought, they smelled delicious but were really pretty weak. Could have used a cup of sugar! However I did later find out that they were pretty good mixed in with some yogurt.
As the day progressed I realized I was not going to be making my goal of cooking all of the dishes I selected. Especially after the sink clogged up right when my kitchen was filled with food and dirty dishes. Note to self, don't throw grease down the drain - even if it is mixed in with a lot of water :(
Note the plunger in the kitchen? Not a good sign when you are cooking!

After Alan got home from work, he spent several hours working on the drain and had to finally buy a snake to clear it out. He's so good! :)
Here's another shock - after preparing all of the food, there was so much it didn't fit in my freezer! doh! I even had to take some of it to work at put it in that freezer. But after all of that, I did end up with some yummy food. I hope to be enjoying the fruits of my labor soon!