Sunday, August 29, 2010

East Harbor camping trip

We took a camping trip over to East Harbor state park. Our main reason for that campground was it's close location to a fun place - Mystery Hill & Prehistoric Forest. Alan had visited Mystery Hill as a kid, and when he heard this location was going to be closing after this season, we needed to go check it out! It was pretty funny - just looking at the house on Mystery Hill was making Alan and I woozy!! As you can see - water runs uphill!!

It was really hard to walk around in the building - the kids witnessed this "force of nature" when they saw a ball roll uphill! :)

This chair appeared to be floating as I sat on it....

After tumbling around in the house for a bit, we headed outside to the Prehistoric Forest. The kids got to dig for fossils.

Here's a good one!!

Wow, look at the size of those snakes!! Zack can hardly believe it...

I don't know, were the dinosaurs really this orange color?? who knows, maybe...

Watch out kids, you'll be eaten alive!
Our next stop was the African Safari Wildlife park. It is a drive through park where we encountered all sorts of hungry animals. They gave us a big cup of dry food to feed the animals, but the animals were getting spoiled by the bags of carrots that some people were feeding them, so our dry food lasted quite a long time.
The animals certainly were not shy - they just stick their heads in the windows looking for a snack.

I didn't mind most of the animals - well, at least after I got over my initial fear! - but then a huge, stinky buffalo put his head in the window. Ewww! He was a little too large for my liking - and we closed the windows everytime they came near us on the rest of the adventure!!

The animals roamed all over their habitat - the babies were so cute!

Although Zack didn't want to partipate, Sydney enjoyed getting a little close to the animals.

At the very end we finally decided to buy a bag of carrots too, hoping to get a giraffe to have a snack. However, every car in front of us must have had the same idea because the giraffe's wouldn't even look at us. Instead the zebra's got our carrots, which was OK too.

The park also had some nice exhibits - and even a pony ride.

One of the main attractions was pig races. I believe we were rooting for Pig Daddy. They were all pretty darn quick, but our guy didn't win.

Back at camp, we had beautiful weather. It was a perfect camping weekend. One of the best parts for the kids was that Sydney got a reward for having a perfect spelling test - Alan bought her the Doodle Jump game for his iPhone and they got to play it. So happy!

Our campsite wasn't super private, but it was nice anyways.

And to end our trip we got to see a beautiful sunset. A perfect ending to a perfect trip!