Saturday, July 24, 2010

Maumee Bay camping trip with the Bachli's

It was a hot weekend when we went to Maumee Bay.  This trip was special because it was the first trip we had taken with my family - my parents and brother's family.  Sydney had a birthday party to go to on Saturday, so Zack and I went down to the beach together.

Along came Brandon and sure enough he found a snake in the grass!  I'm not sure how those boys do it, but no matter where the animals are, they will find them.

The campground was also having their Christmas in July events that weekend - which explains Santa Claus.  What about the pink face?  Well, at the b-day party they did face painting of course :)

At night we all gathered around the campfire and looked for stars.  When it got late, the kids all went on a "midnight walk" looking for creatures.  Unfortunately they didn't find any, but the kids had a great time wandering around in the dark with their flashlights and their cousins for nature guides.

Yum!!  We had a great dinner over at Grandma & Grandpa's camper.

Sydney just loved taking Bindi around and being her "owner" for a little while. 

We also enjoyed a riding bikes and taking walks on the nature trail.  It was a great trip.  I hope we do it every year!