Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Glass City (half) Marathon!

The big day finally arrived. The day that I have been training months for - with a brief 3 week hiatus due to an injured foot! I was so excited to be recovered and able to run in this race. It's my first half marathon. Just a few months ago a 6 mile run was "loooong", but no more. I'm a seasoned runner now! :)
The weather turned out good - I was fearing the forecast of rain was going to be true, but it was dry (and humid!) for the race. Warm too, around 52 degrees. The really great thing was the my trainer/hubby, who knows I love scrapbooking, offered to take pictures along the course! Since he was running with me I thought that would be inconvenient for him, but he's such a great runner he could have probably carried the kids too and it wouldn't have bothered him!
Here I am looking pretty chipper at mile 2....

Mile 5, still going strong!

Mile 7 - we are running through Wildwood park. It was a really cool course, I enjoyed it (well, most of it... more on that in a few...)

Uh oh, Mile 8 not looking so great. Maybe I wasn't aware someone was taking my picture! haha

An excellent come back by Mile 9!

Around Mile 11 Alan even slowed down to drink a beer. Super runner eh? Maybe this photo op is what slowed me down and made me miss my target time... haha!

Ok, it's Mile 12. Can you tell I am just super irritated at this point?? I am growling I think. I thought I was taking a left turn into the Glass Bowl, where the finish line was. BUT NO!!, we had to run around the parking lot, right NEXT to the Glass Bowl and then run really far away from it. Ohhhh, I was so angry at this point. I am just ready for this darn race to be over. My legs are just about ready to stop on their own!

Whew, I *finally* got to the finish line. 2:06 was my time. That is actually a PR, being my only run and all :) I was happy with it. Next time I'll shoot for getting under a 2 hour run. I even came in 23rd in my age division, not too shabby!

Another really great thing about this race was the pizza and BEER at the end. Yummy!! Cheers!