Friday, February 12, 2010

That Library book!

On Thursdays, Sydney has library day at school. She gets a new book when she turns her old one in. As we left for school yesterday morning, we were pulling out of the garage when I remembered it was library day. So I asked Sydney "do you have your library book?". Not surprising the answer was "NO!". Then she got concerned that she would not be able to take the test on the book (Accelerated Reader test). I told her I'd run in and get it, thinking that would be the quickest solution. So I ran to her room, dug through all of the books, couldn't find the darn thing. I went back out to the car and told Sydney. That caused her to get very excited and insist that she needed the book and knew she had taken it out of her room, to put into her backpack! Well, after suggesting that she go get it herself (hoping that she would change her mind...) I reluctantly went in the house with her to help her find it. After another search of her bedroom I realized that she had probably taken it with her, but left it somewhere on her way to her backpack that morning. Sure enough, there was the book in Zack's room.
We sprinted back to the car, and by this time we were quite late for the bus. In fact, but the time we got to the bus stop, the bus was there and kids were getting on. Luckily I alerted the "bus stop mom" Angel by honking the horn and they waited for Sydney, who came running in a mad rush. Whew, disaster averted!

...well, not so. When I got home that night, I found out that Sydney had indeed left that darn library book on the bus, because she had gotten distracted looking at the other kid's Valentine's mailboxes and didn't put the book in her backpack. ugggghhhhhhh

This has got me thinking about the organization (and lack there of) in our house, especially in the mornings. Some school mornings go good, others like this one fall apart in the last minutes out the door. We have a mud room, and I think it's time for some major organization to happen in it! Details to follow soon (I hope!!).