Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spider monkey boy

Sleep and kids, it's an odd combination in our house. We have one, but not the other. I mean, you know how people say those days of "sleeping in" are over when the baby comes? well for some of us those days never pass when the babies are long gone. My kids have to get up early during the week, so they are automatically hard wired to wake up extra early on the other days too. No matter what they did the night before or what time they went to bed. It's surely a shame for those of us who think 8:00 is "sleeping in". I mean, I'm not asking for much of a miracle, but I think a rest until 8:00am would be just heavenly!! But I digress, I'm really here to discuss the odd sleeping habits of our little one Zack.
He's never been much of a good sleeper. He was pretty good when he was a baby, sleeping through the night and all. But as toddlerhood came and went we noticed he was quite a restless sleeper. There was all of those nights he would get up numerous times for no reason, and then the tonsillectomy to help him stay asleep and breath better. But it appears he just has some natural tendency for movement! Case in point, our weekend ski trip. Sydney and Zack share a bed - queen size, big enough for both of them. But for some reason, Zack is magnetically repelled to beds and laying down "still". He has this odd ritual of squirming around and around in his bed before he falls asleep. Most nights none of us need to endure this craziness, but when they have to share a bed, I feel so sorry for Sydney. He's got his legs up, then his butt, then he's burrowing his head in his pillow, then flipping around in a circle again, and kicking all of his blankets down to this feet. This behavior goes on for at least 5 minutes if not longer - causing everyone to eventually be saying "Zack, lay still!!".

When it comes to my sleeping habits, I think they were passed down to Sydney because we are both the "Monica Geller (from Friends)" of sleeping. We smooth our our sheets and blankets until they are "just so" and then 5 seconds after lights out, we are fast asleep. Apparently Zack has inherited his sleeping habits from Alan. When he was a kid his sisters used to call him "spider legs" because he never settled down. No one liked sharing a bed with him. Poor Zack... in addition to his stunningly good looks, he's got this "curse" of movement too. But don't despair, all is not lost - at some point he will grow out of it perhaps like Alan did, be able to be still, and just want to sleep in all morning just like Dad!!