Saturday, September 05, 2009

Fulton County Fair

It's a sure sign that summer is coming to an end when the Fulton County Fair starts. It was a beautiful day though - not super hot, but definately not chilly yet either. This year we decided to let the kids go on some rides. Since we'll be going to Cedar Point soon we said that they could only pick a few rides to go on.

The both liked going on the race cars, but after that they had different favorite rides. Zack still likes the little kids rides.

Sydney liked the giant slide.
One of the best parts of the fair for me is getting those delicious milk shakes!! Sydney loved hers so much that she didn't want to share (we were supposed to share, we only bought two of them). She even started crying when she thought I was drinking too much! geez
The burgers are excellent too!

Probably the highlight for the kids was to go on the bungee bouncer. They had really wanted to do this in Cancun but we thought it was too expensive. Thanks Grandma for the extra spending money!!

Sydney bounced pretty high but wasn't able to do a flip. I bet next year she will!

We tried out all of the farm equipment.

After our long day at the Fair we went home for dinner and then went out to see our friends Ethan and Annette at their campground in Grand Rapids. A long, fun day :)