Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ski day 2

For our next day of skiing, the kids really got the hang of it and wanted to ski on their own. That was a relief as my legs were getting a bit sore from snowplowing down the hill with Zack between my legs!
We went to Boyne Mountain and spent the day on the *free* beginner area. It is a really nice area and perfect for the kids. The kids were basically only interested in "racing" us down the hill. They were pretty quick!

Sydney was a bit too competative and kept the race going until the very end of the hill, this close to the gate and line.... (yikes!)

Don't we look like we should be up in the Swiss Alps somewhere?? :)

A good time was had by all, and we skied until around 2pm and then headed back home.

Alan and mini-Alan.