Monday, October 19, 2009


Grrrrrrrrr!!! that's the sound we heard all evening around our house. I've been toying with the idea of getting another kitten so Pico could have a friend. I've looked at the Humane Society every week looking for the "right" kitten. Well, when I stopped by our Vet's office a few weeks ago they had some kittens to adopt. I finally decided to take everyone over there to check them out. Of course we all fell in love with a little grey one right away. We decided to adopt her. She is so tiny, only 10 weeks old.

However, once we got the new kitten home, Pico was not so thrilled to meet this "friend" of hers. Ever since she saw her, she has been growling at her. And it's not just a growl and then walking away... Nope, Pico stalks her all over the house, just staring and growling at her.

Pico got so close to her and growled at her that her fur blew in the breeze from Pico's breath. Wow, hope they are buddies tomorrow. :)