Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mommy's "big" run!!

Since I've been training for the Race for the Cure coming up this fall, I thought I would try another 5K just see how it goes. So I signed up for the Maumee Rec 5K, since it was cheap ($8) and close to my house. I was actually nervous about running a race, I only ran one in my life and it was a long time ago. Also, I am not much of a morning runner - but I do run this same amount of miles when I train, so I knew I could finish it no problem.

Gotta stretch!

I'm surprised Alan could even catch me in this picture - I am a blur, running SOOOOO fast! (haha) Seriously though, I did run much faster than I anticipated. I finally realized that this really was a "race" and not just a "run" like normal.

Ok, and as I approached the finish line, I started picking up the pace - however, I soon noticed that some guy had come out of nowhere and HE was picking up the pace too... the faster I went, the faster he went!! Dang, I can't let this happen... so I sprinted as FAST as I could.

...and I didn't let him win! But I did give him a high five at the end for a good race :) and then I went in the shade to hyperventilate and almost pass out from overexertion!! whew!!

Here is what kept me going - my cheering crew! Thanks for the support guys xoxoxo
and a side note - later that day Alan went to the park and ran 13 miles, with no headphones, cheering team or anything. He's the TRUE runner in this family!