Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our little smartie!!

** caution, Mommy bragging going on here!! **
Yesterday I met with Sydney's kindergarten teacher for the last conference of the year. I can't believe how fast school has gone by. About a month ago the kindergarten class took the Iowa standardized test. Most of the public schools in our area don't take that test in Kindergarten, but since CDC is a private school, they like to take the test to make sure their teaching standards are up to par and to provide solid proof that their program works. Well I am certainly sold on it... Ms Tennille told me that Sydney scored "2.0 " (2nd grade) in Word Analysis and "1.7" (1st grade, 7th month) in Math! That is the 94th percentile for the Word Analysis and 95th percentile for Math! Great job Sydney, we are so proud of you!!!