Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Heritage Days

The kids went over to Grandma & Grandpa B's house this weekend to spend the night. They had a great time! The best part was that they were taken to a festival called Heritage Days, out in the "farmland". It was somewhere in Michigan. The day started out rainy, and I was afraid they would not be able to go - after all of the talk of the activities that would have been quite a letdown for them.

They got to dig for money in this sawdust "sandbox". I figured they would get maybe $5. We were sure surprised when they came home with $11 (Zack) and $43 (Sydney)!! Sydney had the clear advantage as she could reach farther than Zack and she didn't mind getting dirty :)

Grandma helps Zack find some treasure!

Of course there were lots of animals to see - pigs, chickens, cows and goats. But they also got to go for a ride on a real, big tractor and participate in a tractor pull. Yep, the kids got strapped in and pulled a weight just like a real tractor pull. Zack pulled a respectable 29 pounds and Sydney pulled 38. They didn't win awards for their weight pulled, but they did get a cool ribbon for participating. Sydney was so proud of her ribbon that she wore it to school all day on Monday.