Monday, May 25, 2009

Birthday cake

I know it's hard to believe from looking at these pictures, but I really did take two Wilton cake decorating classes! I guess you learn enough to be dangerous - which is what I am when I'm left to my own devices and need to come up with a cake design on my own. I can really excel when when I follow a design in a book, but I just can't seem to get the right balance of design and color when I do it myself. But I digress, this is really a story about a birthday cake... so Sydney and I looked through my cake books and she found a cool frosting cat that she wanted on her cake. Since we decided to have her birthday party early with the grandparents, I had to make a cake on short order. I came up with this cake and the cat even came out pretty decent.
but the next morning.....

Well much to my surprise, when I took the cake cover off the next morning, all of the frosting on the back of the cake had slid off !!! We ran the dishwasher last night and I think the hot air from the dishwasher was blown in the direction of the cake and caused the mess. waaa. Well at least is was the back of the cake!!