Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Pico!

After many long days of waiting, and many many name suggestions, we finally have our new kitten. Pico is the name, and she is just a tiny little thing. We got her from the Paws and Whiskers shelter. There were 3 kittens to pick from, 2 of which were females. Zack wanted the one with the blue collar, so he was bummed that he didn't get his pick. Potential names were Claire, Neku, Kara... but finally we all agreed on Pico.

When we brought her home she had a busy night of investigating every room in the house. Nose to the ground, she ran in and out of each one sniffing everything. During story time she decided to crawl under Zack's race car bed. I figured she would come out after lights out. Nope. An hour later she was still hiding under there. So Alan and I took a flashlight and a couple of cat toys and tried to coax her out. That didn't work, so then Alan just grabbed and pulled her out. Good thing Zack didn't wake up - he might have thought there were monsters under his bed!

She was good while we slept, except for the occasional stroll across our foreheads and all over our bodies. At one point she even walked on top of our alarm clock and turned on the music! All in all it was a good first night for her. I hope her day all alone in the house (except for her new friend Hootie) will go just as well!