Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter!! The kids woke up and went on a Easter Egg hunt. Sydney was out of bed at exactly 7am, because I told her not to get up until 7am, and she thought the Easter bunny might still be delivering treats and she didn't want to make him go away!

Eggs were cleverly hidden all over the house. A GeoTrax train even was delivering one!

Sydney found her basket right away, but for Zack's we practically had to go over and show it to him. I guess his was hidden a little too well...

We all loved the Madagascar animals the kids got in their baskets.
This was the funniest part of all - the kids helped me make a pineapple upsidedown cake, which used a bundt pan. I was pretty psyched about using the pan since I think I've only used it once in my 10 years of owning it! I was sure bummed to find out that I hadn't greased the pan good enough and it wouldn't come out when I flipped it over. waaaa We did get a pretty good laugh out of it for sure! Heck, it still tasted yummy, I didn't care :)