Friday, February 27, 2009

Watch out!

Zack comes home from preschool with a bump on his head last night. It was under his hair, but it felt pretty big. He explains that he got it when playing on the bikes, and a girl named Laney was riding too fast and he fell on the sidewalk. Then I start to question - "doesn't your school have helmets to wear when you ride bikes??" My stomach started to churn just thinking about it. Immediately I start to imagine some terrible situation with Zack smashing his head on the ground, unprotected noggin in some serious trouble! And I wonder, where are the teachers at - why don't they catch kids riding around too fast, crashing into each other, with no helmets on?! Granted we are not a super safety zone at our house, but we're trying to get in the habit of having him wear a helmet on his bike. At least most times :)

So this morning I asked Zack again about the incident, and the story starts to change a little. Zack wasn't really on a bike, but that's all he can remember. He's looking a little nervous at this point. I ask his teacher about the incident and she tells me "oh yeah, Zack was running behind Laney who was riding a bike and he ran into her bike and fell on the ground".

Well, I guess you can't put a helmet on every kid running around being a kid! I gave him some motherly advice and told him not to chase the girls - that's nothing but trouble.