Monday, December 01, 2008

It starts with the letter "G"...

In the kindergarten class they have an assignment called Secret Letter Detective. One child is given a letter and told to bring in an object from home that starts with that particular letter. It must be hidden from the class, and the students will guess what it is based on three clues. Sydney was the chosen one this week. She had been the SLD in the past, and a student had guessed a "picture" was in the bag after hearing just one clue - "it's square". We all thought there was something fishy going on - "did she look in the bag?" "did someone tell her what it was??", so in the competitive nature of the task (really?) Dad picked out the object for the letter G. We're still surprised no one guessed it this time!!
1) it's in your computer
2) draws pictures
3) hooks up to monitor