Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Don't stand so close to me

Tonight Zack told us at dinner that he didn't feel good. After 5 years of parenting now, I'm starting to get the hang of the "I'll tell them I'm sick so I don't have to eat fish sticks" ploy. He nibbled on his dinner and then we told him if he wasn't feeling good he could lay down. So off to the couch he goes, and less than a minute later we heard the squeaking of the wheels on his monorail. Sick maybe, but definitely nothing that was going to keep him down. He plays with Daddy and Sydney after dinner, and then wanders in to see me in the kitchen and inquires if he can have a "treat". I begin to laugh wholeheartedly at the request and remind him (for the millionth time) how kids who don't finish dinner, or aren't feeling good certainly don't get a treat. Next comes a very sad pout and crying from Zack. He's dramatic, but usually not this good. I take a look at him and he starts to grab his stomach in pain. I pick him up to see what's wrong and set him down on the counter next to me to get a good look at him. Luckily, I wasn't looking too good because next comes the projectile vomiting. ewwww That blueberry yogurt had turned into something green and he looked like a sea serpent spraying some evil goo all over the floor. Yes, all over the floor. Why hadn't I put him next to the sink instead of on the island!? Anyhow, at least the multiple pukes made him feel much better and the rest of the night was spent in peace. Poor little guy.