Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Zack!!

Another year has come and gone and you have transformed from a bumbling toddler, into a little preschooler in the blink of an eye! You are a very intelligent, inquisitive, and talkative little boy. I think 80% of your sentences begin with "why..." (and the other 20% usually start with "I don't want to..."!!). Although you can be very stubborn at times, you are sweet and sensitive also, unless you are stealing toys from your sister. Your birthday revolved around your 3 current loves: Thomas the Train, Disney Cars, and the latest love, monorails! You carry your monorail around with you everywhere you go, and of course it has a special parking spot in your bed too. You can spell at least 5 words, and read too - "Zack", "Sydney", "Mom" & "Dad". You share your Dad's love of cars and things that go fast and make loud noises - motorcycles are a favorite too. You can't wait to go to Cedar Point to ride on the roller coasters. You never want to to sleep, and wake up cranky in the morning. You are also quite sneaky and love to squirt people with water guns at the pool! Happy happy birthday!!