Sunday, June 08, 2008

Day 5 - Gators and more

After sleeping in late this morning, we headed out to Gatorland. It was actually a cool little park that we could all get into for around $50 (unlike Disney at 70 plus a person!). We saw a great Gator wrestling show, saw lots of gators of all sizes, and rode the train. Then we headed over to the new splash park they just recently built. Although the kids couldn't stop talking about it before they got there, they were *very* scared to run around by themselves. Zack insisted that I carried him everywhere, and Sydney did the same for quite some time. They Sydney realized what fun it was and she was running all over by herself having a great time. Zack was still a little whiny, but I think he was also just very tired. He had a great time using one of the water guns shooting everyone in sight. We stayed at the park for about 4 hours.

For dinner we headed over to the Disney Boardwalk, and had dinner at the Big River Brew Pub. The food was good, but the tables were small and the whole dinner cost just about the same as the admission to Gatorland :( The kids caught their second wind after having some food and we walked around the hotels in the area. We also stayed for the Epcot fireworks, only because we were in the area - after vowing to get the kids in bed at a decent hour ;) Oh well, it is vacation after all.