Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Arggghhhh!!! Waaaaa!!

That could be the sound of Zack throwing another tantrum, or the sound of Mommy or Daddy as they try to run for the door after hearing another tantrum... only to have the escape plan thwarted by toys blocking the escape route, or having the kids notice their absence! Poor little Zack is having a tough time lately because he's cutting some molars. Apparently they must really hurt because he sure cries about everything. Yikes, and it's hurting our ears! And like clockwork, the minute Zack starts crying about something, Sydney kicks it into "full whine mode" - repeating the same questions over and over again, like we can't hear her. "can I have some juice?" "can I have some juice?" "can I have some juice??????"

Sydney was a trooper though and did a great job of entertaining Zack while he was in his highchair last night. She played "monster" and jumped out from underneath it, which brought Zack great joy and he laughed and laughed and laughed! It's another one of those unwritten "milestones" like the first time she shared her snacks with him, or she said "please" and "thank you" without being prompted.

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