Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Day 5 - the Magic Kingdom

Disney World... aaahhhh, what a wonderful place to be! Well mostly, when it's not 95 degrees...

We started out our day with a visit to our new friend - iHop Joe, to get us some shady park tickets. Hey, when you save $20 a ticket, I don't complain much. And when he told us to go to the younger park employees at the turnstile, I didn't question it. Sounds legit to me. So after getting through security (phew!), we plotted our day at the park.

The kids kept begging us to look at the crazy bands. They sell them everywhere!

We got the kids to go on the Haunted Mansion ride first - not sure how we did that, that ride is pretty dark inside! Both kids said they liked it, but definately didn't want to go on it again :) Then it was off to the Pirate Ride. Once again, a dark ride, but it was a nice, cool INDOOR ride. I like those kind.

It was a bit crowded at the park, but not as bad as I expected. This was the first year we haven't taken a stroller to the park. Both kids did a great job walking around.

The kids couldn't wait to ride on the Buzz Lightyear ride. They were skipping through the line holding hands, since it was going to be kids vs parents. It was so cute! Then I think they went back to fighting with each other right after the ride ended. haha

We went on that ride several times, it was a hit with everyone!

After spending hours sweating in the heat, it was time for some yummy ice cream. Yummm, melty mess!

The Big Thunder Canyon Railroad and Splash Mountain were a couple of Zack's favorite rides. He was so excited to be big enough to be able to ride on the "big rides". Maybe next time we come he'll be ready for Space Mountain!!

Girls vs Boys on the speedway.

Zack has been talking about going on the Barn Stormer ride for the past 2 years. Sydney didn't go last time, so now it was time for Zack to show Sydney the ride. They got to go on it a whole bunch of times, and ride in the front because there wasn't a wait for the ride! At the beginning of the last time around the spectacular fireworks show started and we got to see fireworks on the ride.

Note, the show was much better than my sad little picture here! It was awesome!!

By 10:45, we decided we should try to "sneak out" of the park before the 11pm parade started. Good idea, but hundreds of other people had that idea too! By the time we got to the car it was about 11:30 and the kids zonked right out when we pulled out of the parking lot. What a long day!