Monday, August 02, 2010

Day 3 - Florida trip, Clearwater beach

As I am sitting here typing this post I am reminded of how darn loud washing machines can be! We got back to our condo room and I decided to throw in a load of wash since our towels were all full of sand & wet from our beach excursion today. The washer / dryer combo is right next to the kids bed and I started it right when they went to bed. What was I thinking?? We have a high efficiency washer at home and it is very quiet. I often have to check to see if it's running (from a distance) by looking for the lights turned on. Oh, not this one. It is over there chunking away!! However that apparently isn't bothering the kids because they have not got up once yet. The day at the beach must have wiped them out.

Which is where I begin - today we went to Clearwater Beach. It was a slow start, but a nice lazy vacation day. Apparently we had set the entertainment bar too high with our visit to Typhoon Lagoon, because when we told the kids we were going to the beach they said "what's a beach?
(it's at the ocean...) "do they have water slides at the beach??"

When got to the beach we had our lunch out on the beach. We were all shocked when a seagull swooped down and tried to steal the peanut butter & jelly sandwich right out of Sydney's hand - while she was eating it!! We all got a big laugh out of it - except Sydney at the time, who was a bit shaken up. After a few minutes though she thought it was pretty funny too.

This picture must have been taken just minutes before the bird swooped in!!

Shortly after lunch, a big storm cloud rolled in and it rained for about 30 minutes. Hardly anyone went home, and we all just hung out in the ocean - which was a toasty 88 degrees! Soon the black clouds rolled away and the hot sun was out again.

We did a pretty good job of putting our sunscreen on and only got a little bit of pink today. We had to veto buying ice cream for everyone, because it was $4 a cone. yikes. So we shared a frozen pink lemonade cup instead, and it was delicious. It was a good thing we splurged on that huge ice cream treat at Typhoon Lagoon, because the bucket and shovels were perfect for the kids to play with today.

After our great day at the beach we went over to Five Guys Burgers and Fries for dinner. That was really good - and the "large" fries could easily serve a family of 6. We ended up throwing some of them away.

We got back to the condo just in time for showers and then watched the Epcot fireworks from the hall of the condo. Pretty!