Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Day 4 - Florida trip - Kennedy Space Center

Today we made our way over to the Kennedy Space Center. Zack is really interested in space, rockets and all things space right now so this was the perfect fit.

It was cool to see how big the rockets are - and how tiny the space capsules were! I could never be an astronaut - for many reasons :), but especially since I am claustrophobic!

For Zack it was exciting to see the rockets we learned about in his books up close.

We took the special tour: Discover KSC, Today & Tomorrow. The bus tour took us into some restricted areas where the other general tour would not go. We got to see this space shuttle building up close. Zack really got the best tour because he got to sit with Alan, who knows many many things about the space program. Sydney and I got to look at the birds and I would retell her stories that I hear from the tour guide!

We spent a large portion of our day at the Apollo building. This building was devoted to our trip to the moon. We saw a cool show and lots of stuff like moon rock (we got to touch one!), space suits and lunar rovers.

We even got an autograph from this Shuttle astronaut, John Blaha.

The kids even got to hold a space shuttle!
After our long day at the space center, we headed over to Ron Jon surf shop to spent some money. We got some t-shirts and a swim suit. Then, after a walk along Cocoa Beach we headed to Taco Bell and went back to the condo.