Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More sprinkles!

So what do you do when Sydney won't eat her yogurt - add some sprinkles! well that seemed like a good idea until she thought she was being ripped off and demanded more sprinkles. Too bad those crocodile tears don't cut it with Mom & Dad. boo hoo!

The Food Critic

Zack has had a rough couple of days recently... throwing up all over the place. Actually I think it is Mom & Dad that have had the rougher time, cleaning it up! ewwww Yesterday I stayed home with Zack and was having such a nice relaxing day I thought I would "whip up" a lasagne for dinner. I got everything all ready, put it in the oven and it was going to be ready just minutes after Alan & Sydney came home. When they walked in the door the scrumptious smell of lasagne lingered in the air. Alan said "yum! Mommy's been making a special dinner for us. Doesn't it smell good?". Sydney's reply "I smell something yucky!" Just goes to show you, don't bother spending a lot of time making dinner - she won't eat it anyways!!