Saturday, April 17, 2010

Party drop off

Today Zack went to a party at Hero's. It was a party for his classmate. In the past we've always stayed with Sydney during her birthday parties, except for the most recent one she went to a friend's house. During that conversation Sydney was a bit nervous about being dropped off. Zack piped up "at my next party you can drop me off!". So, this was the day of his "next party". I was actually nervous about dropping him off. I mean, he's only 4, can he handle that? When it was time for drop off, Zack just gave me a kiss and said it was fine to leave. And off he ran to play with his friends. Hmmm, really? So off I went, shopping for two hours!
When I picked Zack up I asked him how the party was. He said it was fun. Then he also added "it was nice to have no one bothering me".
"What do you mean? Not having Mom hanging around?"
"Yes, just runnning around by myself"
"Yes, it was nice to have some time alone by myself too, to go shopping all by myself. I know what you mean." :) And it was. It's OK to have some time apart. (just not too long my little guy!!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Scooters & a new camera

The weather is turning so nice. And it's so hard to stay inside and do homework! sigh. The kids are loving their new scooters that Santa brought them. Sydney is getting pretty skilled at riding it, but Zack still takes quite a few spills when he makes a quick turn.

I also got a new camera (my second new one...). I think I like this one! yahoo!