Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Tooth Gone!!

The day we've been waiting for has finally arrived!! It was back in November that I first learned about the permanent teeth that were starting to poke out behind Sydney's teeth when we went to the Dentist. We were told that after the baby tooth fell out, the permanent tooth would just make it's way into place. However, if that baby tooth didn't fall out on it's own, it would need to be pulled out. I tell you, I was quite certain that we would be sitting in that dentist chair for an extraction!! That baby tooth was not budging!! But sure enough, about a week ago Sydney was pulling open a water bottle cap with her teeth and the tooth started to move. She wiggled it, and wiggled it, but still not luck. So tonight she asked me to pull it out for her. Sure, why not! So we wiggled it, and I took a hold of it, and YANK! out it came! There sure was a lot of blood.

Here she is right after it was pulled out. Don't be alarmed at her chin - I mean, don't your kids always bump their faces into hot muffin pans right after they come out of the oven?? oh, no? Well, we're not sure why, but maybe Sydney was smelling the muffins a little too close, and then she found out what happens when you touch your skin to super hot metal. But I digress...

Here is a graphic photo of the former tooth location. See the red hole, that was the baby tooth. The bumpy tooth right behind is the permanent tooth moving in. Not much space left!! You might notice there is another adult tooth making it's way up in the back too... hopefully we'll have another wiggler soon.

We put the tooth in an envelope that said "I want to keep the tooth, ples". :) It is resting safely under her pillow tonight. Hope the tooth fairy has a good reward for that tooth that has been with her for 6 1/2 years!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sledding at Brandywine

For our day 2 of weekend sledding we headed over to the local golf course (shhh, don't tell anyone). The hill here is faster than our hill at the park, and also a bit bumpier. We even bought a new sled last night. We thought all of us might fit in it, but it was more like 1 adult and 2 kids.

The hill doesn't look very covered, but it was good enough to get us going.

Following this shot, Alan wiped out!

A spinning fast ride is the kid's favorite.