Friday, May 07, 2010

Walk With Dinosaurs show

We went back to the new Huntington Area to see the show Walk With Dinosaurs.  It was a really cool show!!  Some of the smaller animals had actors actually inside the dinosaur like a very large puppet costume.  The large one are remote controlled.

The dinosaurs are made out of a very realistic looking fabric of some sort which made the creatures look very lifelike.

There were a couple of dinosaur fights, but luckily they didn't scare the kids too much :)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Muffins with Moms

Over at Monclova Elementary it was Muffins with Moms morning. Sydney and I got to enjoy some delicious donuts.  They call it "Muffins" but I don't think they actually even have any muffins.  Who would want muffins anyways when you can have these yummy donuts!!  In a shrewd marking ploy, they also run the book fair at the same time - what parent can resist buying a book for their child :)

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Our first fishing trip!

Ever since the kids got a set of fishing poles from Grandma & Grandpa for Easter, they have been asking us to take them out. The weather was nice today so we went over to Side Cut Metropark. The pond seemed like a good place to go.

The pressure was on... Zack gets bored pretty easy so we needed to catch something soon!

At first we just caught a big stick!

Sydney got a couple of nibbles...

Then the big one happened! I caught this sunfish (I think it's a sunfish...). Sure it was Zack's pole, but I was being his substitute fisherman.
When I got my bobber and hook caught in the tree, it was time to head home. Luckily Alan got the bobber out of there. All in all, it was a great first fishing day!