Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas morning

Christmas morning was a blur! Zachary climbed in our bed at 5:50 am. Santa hadn't visited us yet, because the Christmas tree lights weren't turned on yet. So he squirmed around, waiting for the tree lights to signal the toys had arrived, and for his sister to wake up. Around 6:20 we noticed the lights were on - and he jumped out of bed telling us that he was going to wake up Sydney! Luckily we stopped him and we got a couple more minutes of laying in bed :) Soon enough Sydney came running into our bedroom and the craziness began!

It was flying wrapping paper everywhere - gift after gift!!

They were very excited for their gifts from Santa - Sydney got a Password Journal, MP3 player, and the Blackout Bingo game. Zachary got an MP3 player, Hot Wheels cars, Pokemon cards and a baby penguin. The kids also got a bunch of gift from us, including (Zachary) OSU blanket, sleeping bag, car calendar, Bakugan balls and from Sydney he got a night sky projection kit, and a race car kit. Sydney got the Apples to Apples game, a sleeping bag, snowmen earrings and from Zachary she got a spiral art toy and pretty ornament he made at school. Both kids also got us presents such as wonderful Christmas pictures and decorations. With some help from Grandma and Grandpa Willford, both kids got DSi's. The DSi's were definately a hit, but they did love everything they got.