Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Fun - a skiing refresher course

The kids needed a refresher course before hitting the slopes of Boyne soon, so Alan took them over to the new sledding hill.  It went pretty well - the top of the hill was too steep for the first run, but by gradually working their way up to the top they were able to conquer in no time.

After skiing it was time for sledding.  Sometime during this fun Zachary had requested to be spun as he went down on the circle sled.  Alan was glad to oblige and said that he would spin him so fast that "his eyes would bleed!".  Apparently that was an omen as Zachary did crash and come home with a bit of a bruise/scratch from this morning!  (photographic evidence to be seen in just a few days....)

Warming up by the fire.  Ahhhh.  The best part of the trip was when they stopped over to my office and miraculously I was allowed to go home from work after their visit.  Good thing my boss has a soft spot for families!!