Tuesday, November 04, 2014


Something weird happens around 11 years old... for the most part you have a responsible child, and not a little kid anymore!  This year Sydney has been bestowed the honor that many an older child gets - to "babysit" their younger sibling. Although we never call it babysitting, it is an important job for her to have. It becomes especially important when school is not in session for some reason. Today was a teacher inservice day and I needed to go to work. I've come up with a schedule for them to do on a full day like that, and they seem to enjoy it quite a bit. Sydney is a lot like me and likes to have everything planned. The  schedule takes care of everything from chores, to homework, crafts, TV time and game time. 
Since I work right down the road it's easy to help them out if any issues ever come up, and our security camera gives me piece of mind that I know they are safe :)