Sunday, September 22, 2013

Color Me RAD!

I have to admit, this color run was not my idea of fun.  When I signed up.  But after I got running, it turned out to be a lot of fun!  Sydney was the one who originally wanted to do this race with her friend.  So, me, always looking for a chance to get out and run (most especially with Sydney!), decided to give it a go.  This event was put on by Color Me Rad and was held at the University of Toledo.
I was quite sure I was going to gag on the powder, be blinded by it, or end up having semi-permanent rainbow hair.  Luckily, none of those things really happened.
Here is our race gang at the start.  It was actually a chilly morning.  But, being the experienced runners that we are, I convinced my kids that they would not be cold once we started.  Luckily, that was true too!  I actually liked those glasses quite a bit.  I might just run in them again!!
Here's the start line.  The color is starting to fly!
Alan, our personal photographer, wasn't quite ready when we ran into him unexpectedly on the course.  We all had to run in slow motion so he could get the shot!  I got to run with the kids because the Mom's felt they couldn't keep up. 
Along the course we were pelted with colored powder (cornstarch) and squirted with liquid color (same powder).  The liquid actually made for better looking t-shirts, so I didn't mind!  The kids did a great job of staying in motion most of the time.  We only took maybe 2 short walking breaks.  Sydney and Zack kept on running though, and I had to urge them to "fall back"!
As I spied the finish line, I egged them on... "who wants to race me to the finish?".   Note to self, make sure the finish line is closer next time.  The kids now give me a run for the money - and in this case I lost to Zack!  As a side note, I have to say this is probably the best finish line picture ever taken of me!  Looking strong!!
 Sydney emerged from the color shortly after us.  So proud of them both!
 At the finish line we were giving a color pack to throw into the air at the "party".  A very beautiful sight!  After getting more color thrown on me, and going nearly deaf from the DJ, I remembered I had two more kids that I was in charge of!!!  OOOOOOPPPS.  Where the heck did they go?  I was greatly relieved to see that they had followed our plan and they went to the pre-arranged meeting spot when they were done.  I can't believe I did that!  I'm usually much more dependable with kids :)
 Don't we look RAD?  It was a good time. I'm happy I got to be a part of this race - one I think the kids won't forget!