Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catching up... just a little, and huge sundaes at Generals!

I'm not sure why, but posting to my blog seems like such a chore!  I mean, I take some picture on my camera that I want to share, and then I need to copy them off my camera, to an editing folder.. and then pick the ones I want, and then upload, and then write about them...  and it seems quite a pain that I can only pick one picture at a time to upload!  There must be a better way.  If there is, pleast let me know what it is.  I guess that's why I hardly ever do it anymore.  So much easier to shoot a picture up to Facebook :)
As I have been rolling through summer here, I ran across some fun pictures on my iPhone that I thought I'd just upload.  I have a fun new app called Incredibooth, and I just love making pictures with it.  Here are some of me and Sydney...

Here is me and my Mom from when we were camping together a couple of weeks ago.  I guess I like to finish with the "tongue" shot!  haha

Last night we celebrated the longest day of the year with some ice cream.  It was actually a double treat because we were also celebrating the great job the kids have been doing on their summer workbooks.  Yep, I'm one of "those" Mom's that make their kids do homework during the summer.  It's really two fold - it's good for them to keep up on their skills, and if they start to bug each other (wrestling, punching, fighting) to the point that I can't take it anymore, it's a great productive distraction!  The worksheets are part of a book that is focused on their particular grade, so it's really just a review of what they did at school, and it doesn't take long at all to do one page.  Last year we only got maybe the first 20 days done, so I'm hoping to keep up with it more this year.

 We went to Generals Ice Cream in Whitehouse.  We had bought a Groupon for 4 large sundaes (only $7!).  Wow, those sundae's were huge!!  The kids both got dirt sundaes, complete with gummy worms.  Zack pretty much ate almost the whole thing.  I don't know how he did it because he is usually the one who can't finish his dessert at home.  My boy is growing up! :)
 I'm not sure how they managed it with a spoon, but both kids got chocolate syrup all over their face.  It was a nice treat on this 90+ degree hot summer day!!