Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Niagara Falls day

We headed out from our campspot at 9:30 this morning. It was supposed to be an hour and a half drive to the falls, but we did have some challenges staying on our Google Maps route again today, but not too bad.
When we got to the Niagara Falls region, we were told about a tour of the major attractions... On an air conditioned bus. We were sold! Something about driving around in an unfamilar area, and doing a lot of walking in this heat really sounded unappealing, so we took the tour. Luckily Zachary can still pass for 5 years old, so his ticket was free :)

I thought the statue of Liberty was going to be bigger than this....


Our first stop was the Cave of the Winds, which actually doesn't even have a cave anymore, but it was really cool.  See the tiny yellow things in this picture?  Those are the people walking over to the falls - the spot where we would be soon!

We got some free shoes to wear, so we didn't have to get our shoes wet (any also for safety concerns I bet).  We loved those things.  They were so comfy we wore them the whole tour!

We donned our ponchos and got to walk right up to the Bridal Wave falls and touch it.

The closer we got to the falls, the wetter we got - but the kids loved it.

Next we went to the Daredevils Museum. It did have quite a bit of memoribila from past crazy people who went over the falls.  What the heck were these people thinking?

Next stop was the Whirlpool area on the gorge overlook.

Finally the biggie - the Maid of the Mist boat ride. We all had a great time on that.  It was a spectacular, upclose view of the falls.

The last stop was the Observation deck.

We went to Canada for a look around.   We had a great view of the falls and got to see some unbelievable rainbows in the mist.

We ate dinner at Planet Hollywood and finally headed back to camp around 7:30. We were all pretty tired from our exciting day. The kids described it as our best camping trip ever! Zachary exclaimed that he would never forget the Falls!!