Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1 of Boyne Ski trip

We hit the road in the morning (made it out at 9:15, yahoo!) and was thrilled to find that the roads were clear and it was an easy 5 hour drive up north.  Even more enjoyable was that the kids were occupied with their new DS's so we didn't hear any complaining or fighting the whole trip!!  That was the best! :)

We went tubing over at Boyne Highlands.  It was a lot of fun.  This year they did not have a "fast" and "slow" side, but just one run.  Still, it was good and we were there for an hour before dinner.

Dinner was at the Mitchell St. Pub.  Good food, and hot nachos!  Who would have guessed that "spicy" on the menu description really meant spicy!!  (not me I guess.  haha!)