Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last camping trip of the season

The weather has been beautiful for October. Crisp nights, sunny days - well, at least the weekend we picked to go camping was. With our fall season now being busy with soccer games, we were really wanting to go out for another camping trip as we feel we may have missed a couple of opportunities. This weekend was just perfect. We packed up and headed over to Maumee Bay. The forecast was originally for rain, but we took our chances and it turned out great. This was the first time we'd gone on such short notice, and it turned out probably better than any of our other trips. Everything went so smooth, I think we need to stop planning so much for our future trips! :)
Friday night was Jiffy Pop night. Yum!!!

I had to get some pictures of the kids together, hoping I could make some Christmas cards out of them. I'm going to try to get my photo stuff ordered early this year so I can spend more time during the holidays... well, probably just shopping and stressing out over the other million things I want to do. haha!

The fire felt so good. It got a bit chilly in the evening, but our camper was toasty warm. Heck, it was probably too hot! We were only one of 2 pop-up campers at the campground this weekend. I think the park was maybe 25% full.

We did go to Zack's last soccer game on Saturday, and on the way back from the game we stopped at Sonic for lunch. That was fun treat, and so delicious! The kids got these funny glasses. Zack is convinced that his orange glasses are sunglasses and has been wearing them everywhere.

They are a pretty cool toy, I like!

Ok, what would a camping trip be without me scrapbooking?? well, I had to make some cool Halloween themed notes for Sydney's lunch box. If didn't make those notes, I would forget to write one everyday, and they are so cute.

For Sunday breakfast we had super easy, super yummy donuts!! I think this may become a new Sunday tradition. No mess, just throw the box away! :)

As we were taking a bike ride, we found this guy in the middle the street. He was so cool! Ironically, Zack has a book all about praying mantis so we were very educated about him. What a shock to find him in the street.

He was very friendly and we let him walk all around, up and down our arms. When we finally let him go, we stuck him in the bushes and sure enough, after looking away for just a second, it was nearly impossible to find him again. He was so well camoflauged. Makes you wonder how many other cool animals are hiding out there....

Sad to see you go - Goodbye 2010 camping season!