Monday, August 16, 2010

Bird Lake

We had the very great opportunity of going up to a cottage on Bird Lake that is owned by Jacob & Kendall's grandparents.  Well, we kind of invited ourselves to go along, but I think Jennifer was happy to have us there :)  I thought it would be a great way to enjoy one of the few remaining days of summer before school begins.  The lake was a quick hour or so drive away, and the kids kept entertained by communicating by walkie talkie the whole ride there (between separate cars).
The kids had a lot of fun playing on the beach area and wading in the water around the docks. 

We got to take a trip around the lake in the paddleboat.  It was a beautiful day, really sunny and warm.

Jennifer made some super yummy brownies.  They were chocolately and gooey!  Delicious!!

After lunch Jacob show Sydney and Zack the finer points of jumping off the docks.