Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

I have achieved a great accomplishment... this year I vowed keep the flowers on my patio alive (especially the basket that was my Mother's day gift!!) and to keep the pool clean for the 4th of July. And I did it!! The pool has been the biggest challenge around here - ALWAYS green and yucky on the 4th, just when you want to use it. But not this year. I have been reformed - I keep a calendar and check the levels at least 3 times a week. Oh, and the most important, the weekly shock. Even though it was a close call - when we got home from our camping trip we realized that the salt chlorinator wasn't working and the pool had no chlorine for days, it was on the edge of ruining it all... but Alan got it fixed and everything worked out. We've been really enjoying the pool as it has been close to 90 degrees for the last couple of days.

Here is a super cool picture I took of my guys. Awwwww